BlueCielo Publisher 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring a Publisher job > Configuring the document property mappings

Configuring the document property mappings

The document property mappings specify to which properties in the destination vault document properties from the source system are imported.

You can map properties one at a time and select the source and destination property definitions. This method is best if you only want to map one or two properties. Or you can select multiple properties from either the source or destination systems and then select the corresponding properties in the other system. This method is best if you want to map many properties. When you select multiple properties, the BlueCielo Application Manager maps the property names to those in the other system that most closely matches the name of the selected property. For any mapping, if the correct property is not mapped, you can select a different property.

Note    The document property mappings must be updated manually if the configuration of the source properties changes.

To configure document property mappings:

  1. In BlueCielo Application Manager, expand the name of the publishing job in the configuration tree that you want to configure.
  2. Select the Configuration branch in the configuration tree. The job's configuration pages appear in the right pane.
  3. Click the Mapping tab. The Mapping configuration page appears.

To add a single property mapping:

  1. Select the name of the property that you want to change.
  2. Select a replacement property from the drop-down tree list.

To select properties from the source or destination system:

  1. Click the menu and select Available Source Properties or Available Destination Properties accordingly from the shortcut menu that appears. The Property Selection dialog box appears. The property sets and property names in the source or destination system appear in the left side of the dialog, depending on which system you chose.
  2. To filter the available property sets, type some or all of the property set name in Category. The property list updates to only show the property set names that match the text that you typed.

    To filter the available properties, type some or all of the property name in Name. The property list updates to only show the property names that match the text that you typed.

  1. Browse the property definitions and double-click the properties names that you want to select or select the property name and click the button to add the property to Selected Properties.

    To remove a property from Selected Properties, select the property name and click the button.

    To add all of the property names in the left side of the dialog to Selected Properties, click the button.

    To remove all of the properties from Selected Properties, click the button.

    When you are finished selecting properties, click OK. The selected properties are added to the mapping list in the column that corresponds to the Add option that you selected.

  2. Use the same method or the preceding method to select a corresponding property in the other system to map to the property that you just selected.


    Select the property in the list that you want to map and click Auto Map. BlueCielo Application Manager will map the selected property to the property with the same name in the other system, if it exists.

BlueCielo Application Manager validates the property mappings as you make them and shows the property names in colored text that indicates their validity:

To remove an existing property mapping:

  1. Select the mapping that you want to delete.
  2. Click the button.

To update the mapping list to show properties in the source or destination system that have changed since the list was last updated, click the button.

  1. Click Save to save your changes.

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